Facts You Need To Know Before Starting A Mezzanine Floor Construction

At Metro Steel one of the many services we offer is mezzanine floor construction and it comes as no surprise that it’s becoming more and more popular. Mezzanine floors add much needed space to buildings and/or properties where conventional extensions either aren’t possible because of technicalities or cost. In fact there are a wide variety of advantages to building a mezzanine floor . However before you rush off and purchase the materials, or contact your builder, there are some facts that you might need to take into consideration. Let’s take a closer look.

Think about safety

Any design for a mezzanine floor should always be carried out with safety in mind. This is especially true when used in a commercial premises where a multitude of people might use it. Think about adopting handrails for example to stop people from falling off the edge. As well as providing that safety element, handrails or balustrading can also give an aesthetic charm. In addition don’t forget about including handrails on steps leading up to the mezzanine level. Also consider smoke detector positioning. Finally, make sure the floor is strengthened sufficiently for the job it needs to do and ensure structural integrity by not having the floor any more than 3 metres high.

Match the material with your needs

If your mezzanine floor constriction is for your home it works best if it blends in with your existing décor. Wood, tiles, or even concrete can look great in the right setting, but remember they probably won’t be the cheapest. Conversely in a commercial warehouse/factory environment then cost may be more of a factor than aesthetics. In this case you may want to opt for welded metal gratings topped with particle board. For best results consider balancing cost, aesthetics, and practicality.


Because of their height, mezzanine floors are renowned for becoming exceptionally hot during the summer months. In order to ensure comfort, consider installing ventilation. In addition installing good thermal insulators ensures that the floor absorbs less heat, giving a greater degree of comfort all round.

Get your lighting right

Consider you lighting before construction. This way you can get the wiring in place during construction rather than have to redo it all after completion. You’ll need to think about factors such as the type of lighting, positioning, and of course lighting control. Are you going to control the lights from the bottom floor as well as on the mezzanine itself?

If you can get these factors right, then you’ll have a mezzanine floor that not only looks great, but does the exact job you need it to do. If you need help with the design and build of a mezzanine floor then don’t hesitate to contact Metro Steel for a free no obligation quote on 07 3204 1000

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